Sunday, April 29, 2018


Greetings, crossword fans!  Welcome to The Puzzle Society Crossword Crossing, a blog about the daily crossword I edit for Andrews McMeel Universal.

The Puzzles

First, here are some details about the puzzles.  All grids are 15x15, and you'll notice a gradual increase in difficulty as the week goes on.  Monday and Tuesday puzzles are designed with beginners in mind, so the themes and clues are relatively easy.  Wednesday and Thursday puzzles are medium level, and Fridays are medium-challenging.  Saturday and Sunday puzzles are themeless and thus have the trickiest grids, but they're clued at a Wednesday level so both newer and more experienced solvers can enjoy.


In the upper right corner of the blog, you'll find a link to an applet where you can solve or print the puzzles for free.  Across Lite files aren't available yet but may be in the future.  The puzzles appear in numerous print and online sources, including The San Francisco Examiner and The Orange County Register, with more coming soon!


Now for logistics about this blog:  Each day you'll see a new post with the solution grid, a blurb from the constructor (if available), and editorial notes written by me.  Note that this is basically spoiler city, so be sure to read the blog after you've solved the puzzle!  There may also be occasional special posts with updates about The Puzzle Society Crossword.


The true stars of the blog, though, are all of you, and I'd love to hear your thoughts about the puzzles in the comments section!  Constructive criticism is also welcome as long as it's in good spirit.  In other words, no personal attacks, trolling, or foul language.  Also, please refrain from posting about politics—mentioning political events or figures if they're relevant to the clues, entries, or themes is fine, but this isn't the place for political opinions or conversations.  I will be monitoring comments as they come in and reserve the right not to publish any that don't adhere to these guidelines.  Keep in mind that comments won't appear immediately—there'll be a delay between the time you submit a comment and when it's published; depending on my schedule, that delay may be lengthy, though I'll review all comments as soon as I can.

Thanks for reading, and I hope you enjoy The Puzzle Society Crossword Crossing!


  1. Hi David! Thanks for blogging about my underwear at Wordplay! Now on top of everything else you are running a blog site- you are amazing! Bruce

  2. Good luck with the new blog! I really enjoy your puzzles and look forward to checking the blog daily.

  3. Mike in Mountain ViewApril 29, 2018 at 10:44 PM

    Thanks, David, for your many stellar New York Times puzzles (I liked SEETHING, SEE THINGS) and this terrific addition to the online solving experience. Thanks, John, for the fun Sunday puzzle.

    1. Thanks so much for your kind words, Mike! Glad you enjoyed both puzzles :)

  4. Hi David,
    Just wanted to echo the sentiment above that your NYT puzzles are consistently great. Best of luck with the blog.

  5. The puzzles here are great fun. The blog looks like it will be great fun. The puzzle-solving interface, however, is no fun at all. Is there any chance you might make these puzzles available in Across Lite?

  6. Absolutely welcomed your addition to my daily xword fun. As we used to say in the '60's, Keep on Truckin.

    1. Thanks, Brenda! So happy to have you on the blog!

  7. HI David- Finally got around to visiting this blog after you posted the link I don't know how long ago on the Cruciverb mailing list. Enjoyed solving the Sunday 5/6 themeless with all the X's. the puzzle was well done.

    Is there any ay to go back and solve older ones or is it limited right now only to the current day?


    1. Thanks, Mike—glad you enjoyed the X themeless! In the app, there's a button in the upper right that looks like a miniature crossword. You should be able to access older puzzles by clicking on that.

  8. Hi David - I’m on board - thanks for telling me about this. Barb 🐝

  9. Just added the blog a few days ago thanks to a link Todd Gross sent me. I have always enjoyed your NYT puzzles and I am enjoying the "Juicy Crosswords" collection as well. Hope to see a new collection soon!


    1. Thanks so much! I appreciate the kind words ... I unfortunately don't think there will be another OCR collection, but maybe there will be a collection of these puzzles someday.
