Monday, June 4, 2018

"Squad Goals," by Laura Braunstein

Constructor's Comments

This was one of the first puzzles I constructed, some time ago; I had read Patrick Berry's Crossword Constructor's Handbook, and as practice I was challenging myself to come up with themes for all of the theme types he describes.  So this one came from a list of NBA team names, of course; I had seen SPURS INNOVATION in a headline, which inspired the rest.  And I'm very pleased that it's running during the NBA finals!

Editor's Comments

I'm impressed that Laura was able to find three "verbified basketball team" phrases that are both in-the-language and 15 letters long.  Even more impressive, this is one of her first constructions ever!  If that doesn't show a lot of talent, I don't know what does.  Laura also brings an energy to her grids that I don't often see—short entries like OH SNAP, CK ONE, BLEEP, SPANX, TWERKS, and TOLD YA add a refreshing dash of zing.  TO THE MOON and DEAR SANTA are also top-notch bonus long entries.  And, finally, Laura took great care to ensure that the fill and clues were Monday-level, which made the editing a breeze.

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