Thursday, September 6, 2018

"Going off the Grid," by Stu Ockman

Constructor's Comments

I had originally planned on saving this one for a self-published crossword book, but when David asked me to send him some puzzles, I thought, "Why not?"  As you may have guessed, I constructed this puzzle a while ago, way back in March 2014, and I really like it.

The puzzle has morphed considerably with David's help (so you've been spared dealing with ENURES, TSO, T SLOT, AREO, ODIC, SALA, BAPT, MERL, and IT TOO—did I mention I constructed this in 2014 before I knew the importance of clean fill?), but the six theme entries remain intact.  Note that two pairs of the theme entries cross symmetrically.  That doesn’t happen very often (a bit of serendipity) and allows for better fill.  Also, we were able to move the revealer to a more prominent place in the grid.

I'm guessing you enjoyed this one once you grokked the theme.  Why not let us know with a comment below?